Nutritious Belly Fat Burning Foods That You Should Know About

If you’re looking to blast some belly fat quickly, it’s important to know which foods are most effective at burning fat.

Far too many people think about their diet only in terms of calories. They understand that if they want to lose weight, they need to eat fewer calories than they burn off over the course of the day, thus they make it their personal mission to bring their calorie intake as low as possible.

But is this really the right approach?

The truth of the matter is, by eating nutritious fat burning foods, you’ll naturally decrease your caloric intake and receive additional health benefits as well. This will help to accelerate fat loss even more quickly.

While you will lose weight as long as you take in a low enough calorie intake, if you’re filling those calories with processed snack foods, fast foods, and candy or baked goods, you won’t be feeling optimal and progress will be slow at best.

Furthermore, you may actually begin to lose muscle and gain belly fat, which is obviously not what you want.

So let’s take some time right now to look at some of the best foods to help you reduce belly fat and learn why each one is going to help you win the war against the bulge.


The first important food that should be a staple in your diet plan is salmon. Salmon tops the list for two reasons.

First, it’s high in protein.

If there’s one nutrient that you simply cannot overlook while trying to melt belly fat, protein is it. Lean protein foods are beneficial in weight loss programs because of their satiating and thermogenic effects. Salmon is a high quality source and will provide all the amino acids that your body needs.

In addition to that, and possibly even more important, it contains omega fats. Omega fats are a type of fat that plays a special role in the burning of belly fat because they help to boost your insulin sensitivity. This means that when you do consume carbs on your diet plan, your body does a better job of moving those carbs into the muscle cells rather than the fat cells.

Those who have poor insulin sensitivity are far more likely to suffer from weight gain in the stomach area, so doing everything you can to improve it is vital. Eating a diet rich in omega fats helps increase insulin sensitivity.


The second of the top belly fat burning foods is walnuts. Walnuts are also high in omega 3 fatty acids, so work in the same manner that salmon does.

Walnuts are higher in calories however, so portion control will be a must. If you can keep it to a small quarter cup serving, you’ll be beating belly fat, killing hunger, and balancing out the other nutrients in your diet.

Low-Fat Cottage Cheese

The next key food that is especially good for those who want to slim down their tummy is low fat cottage cheese. The reason this food makes the list is because the type of protein that it contains is referred to as casein protein. This type of protein breaks down much more slowly and will keep hunger pains low.

Since hunger is what often leads most people astray on their diets, doing whatever you can to decrease it throughout the day is definitely going to help.

Second, those who add more dairy to their diet, provided they are making smart choices with their selection, do tend to lose more fat overall and more specifically from the abdominal region.

Should You Be On The Dairy Diet?


We all know running makes us svelte and strong. New research says dairy products may do the same

So in the war against tummy fat, it would appear that dairy products could be an effective weapon. Cottage cheese has the desirable nutrient profile of being high in protein and low in fat while containing just a few carbs. It’s a smart choice.


Getting back to the idea of the omega fats boosting insulin sensitivity, flaxseeds are another food that contains this nutrient.

In addition to that, flaxseeds boast a high fiber content, which helps control hunger. Fibre stays in the stomach for longer as it’s harder to digest. This helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer. It makes it easier to go for longer periods of time without eating, allowing you to keep your calorie intake under control. Plus dietary fibre has no calories of its own.

Flaxseeds also contain protein. While they won’t contain as much as say a chicken breast, it all still adds up.

Low Fat Greek Yogurt

Another terrific dairy product to eat is low-fat Greek yogurt. Some people simply don’t like the taste of cottage cheese, so eating it is not going to be a consideration. You should never force yourself to eat something you absolutely hate or you won’t be sticking to your diet for long.

Greek yogurt can be a great substitute in this scenario. It’s still high in protein, high in calcium and contains hardly any fat (depending on the variety).


Finally, this last one isn’t a food per se, but adding cinnamon to other healthy foods is an excellent idea if you’re looking to burn off belly fat.

Cinnamon is often used by diabetics because it will help to slow down the release of sugar in the blood stream, which then means you’ll suffer less of a blood sugar high followed by crash.

These blood sugar crashes are what often cause people to go running for more food quickly to bring their blood sugar levels back up, making it harder for you to stick with your diet plan.

Cinnamon will help to prevent this while adding more flavor to your food without the addition of any calories.

More Choices For Healthy Eating

So these are some of the top belly fat burning foods that you should give some solid consideration to as you begin to formulate your nutrition plan. If they currently aren’t a part of your diet plan, these suggestions will give you additional options to choose from. Small dietary changes can lead to fast fat burn results.

About Shannon Clark

Shannon Clark holds a degree in Exercise Science from the University of Alberta, where she specialized in Sports Performance and Psychology. In addition to her degree, she is an AFLCA certified personal trainer and has been working in the field for over 8 years. She is a regular contributor to and has also been named ‘Writer Of The Year’ two times running. She has been featured in the Iron Man magazine and has contributed well over 400 articles to a variety of different websites dedicated towards muscle building and athletic performance.

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